Chris McCormick hat gesagt: // Chris McCormick wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 09:57:03AM +0100, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> > Chris McCormick wrote:
> > >Here are some other reasons why you might not want to use Pd to develop
> > >a large scale application (and why I won't call Pd a 'programming
> > >language'):
> > >
> > >* No hash/map/table type, or array type that holds anything except floats.
> > 
> > data structures?
> Pd datastructures are a pretty poor compromise when one is used to the
> types of data structures that regular programming languages supply, and
> the ease with which you can use those data structures. In javascript,
> Python or C I can just say something like:
> t = ["hello", "goodbye", "pants land", ["a", "b", 'c']];
> Doing a similar thing in Pd is a pain.

I think, from the beginning Pd was meant to be extended by classes
written in other languages where adaequate. Pd has support for more
languages like this than any other similar progam I know. C is the
natural choice here, but if Pd would include Lua support natively, it
would invalidate almost every single argument against Pd that you
mentioned: scriptability would be there (even for audio with Vessel
for Lua), a hash/map-type is natural to Lua with its table data
structure, string processing would be easier etc.

In the end, it then would boil down to the differences between
graphical progamming and text based programming. Some things are hard
to do in graphical languages regardless of their features.

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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