On Fri, 2008-01-11 at 19:01 -0500, marius schebella wrote:
> ok, then it was a misunderstanding, I am also not saying that is has to 
> be in the core of pd. (is there an official policy that objectclasses 
> which can be created as abstractions should not be included as c 
> objectclass?...)

i don't know, but to me it seems, that miller follows such kind of a
policy. you will hardly find any built-in classes, that could be easily
substituted by abstractions made of other classes and if so, they are
there because of historical reasons (is that correct?)

> but now, when I think about this...
> why is there now pd-featured abstraction list?

yeah, why? i think that would be a nice thing to have.

> counter would be an object that should be included in "standard 
> abstractions folder".

i think the problem is to find a universal counter object. i usually
find it easier to quickly hack a counter for the special task i need it
for than figuring out if a certain existing counter class fits my needs
(to realize afterwards, that it isn't exactly what i was looking for). 

> or is everybody supposed to create his own version of useful 
> abstractions over and over again?

no, you create it once and you can reuse it over and over again.

btw: it's exactly to goal of pdmtl-abs to collect abstractions, that
could be of general use. if you miss a counter class with a certain
behaviour, please feel free to add it (or ask someone to implement it
for you). 


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