hi georg and simon

interesting problem with an interesting solution and interesting to see,
that the alpha-depends-on-order-weirdness can be exploited in that way.


On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 00:07 +1100, simon wise wrote:
> On 22 Jan 2008, at 11:41 PM, simon wise wrote:
> >
> > On 22 Jan 2008, at 11:03 PM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
> >
> >> Hallo!
> >>
> >> I have the following (basic) GEM problem (and some ascii-art ;) :
> >>
> >> I have 2 movies running with pix_film which are rendered on  
> >> rectangles
> >> with the same size over the whole screen and I want to see only a  
> >> part
> >> of each movie (see illustration):
> >>
> >> from movie A:
> >> -------------------------------
> >> |                             |
> >> |                             |
> >> |                             |
> >> |  |-------|                  |
> >> |  | partA |                  |
> >> |  |       |                  |
> >> |  |-------|                  |
> >> -------------------------------
> >> from movie B:
> >> -------------------------------
> >> |                |--------|   |
> >> |                | partB  |   |
> >> |                |        |   |
> >> |                |--------|   |
> >> |                             |
> >> |                             |
> >> |                             |
> >> -------------------------------
> >> together:
> >> -------------------------------
> >> |                |--------|   |
> >> |                | partB  |   |
> >> |                |(movieB)|   |
> >> |  |-------|     |--------|   |
> >> |  | partA |                  |
> >> |  |(movieA|                  |
> >> |  |-------|                  |
> >> -------------------------------
> >>
> >> So I tried to lay black rectangles over the movies and let free
> >> partA,partB so that one can only see these parts. But this does  
> >> not work
> >> for multiple movies, because then I only see the movie with the  
> >> highest
> >> gemhead priority (and also with alpha blending it was not  
> >> possible) ...
> >>
> >> So my question: is this possible without additional pix_* commands ?
> >> (e.g. texturing only a part of the movie onto a rectangle ... ?)
> >> If yes has someone an idea how ?
> >>
> >> Thanks for any hint,
> >> LG
> >> Georg
> >>
> >> PS: if this is too confusing I can send an example patch ;)
> >>
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> >
> > a somewhat clumsy workaround would be to make a transparent  
> > rectangle the size of part A, in front of the others in space, then  
> > movie B with the black masks behind that, then movie A behind that:
> >
> > set your gemwin to 'orthagonal'
> >
> > set the render order of the oblects:
> >
> > movie A first
> > part A second
> > movie B with masks etc next
> I replied too quickly,
> a better (more general solution which could involve more movies and  
> no masking) would be:
> set the gemwin 'orthagonal'
> layer the movies so A is furthest away, then B, C etc
> in front of this place a black rectangle
> then transparent rectangles part A, B C etc
> render order is:
> movie A
> then part A
> then movie B
> then part B
> then movie C
> then part C
> etc
> finally render the black rectangle
> this way you can easily move the part around
> simon
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