Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> This all makes me think that we should write a Pd book that covers  
> things like good form.  Perhaps we could make it a decentralized  
> collaborative effort with strange consensus decisionmaking to mirror  
> the Pd community :D

i guess that Pd might be out of existence when the book will be ready...

seriously, i do think that there are fundamentally (and not so 
fundamentally) different views on "good form" (as all the flaming on [t 
a] vs. [trigger anything] shows), and i don't think that we would come 
to a conclusion.

so i see 2 approaches to such project:
- a collection of several individiual "good style" articles; possibly 
contradictory (e.g. in the way of the "beautiful code" book that 
primarily shows how differently "beauty" is perceived)
- a single (group of) person(s) that write(s) the book and can decide on 
their definition of "good style"; since they do all the work, they have 
all the right to ignore (or whatever) other opinions

i personally would favour #1, but i think both approaches are legitimate


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