ew ended up using this compiled version instead of getting wesleys 
opengl.so to run, which looked more recent?
also, a lot of new questions came up; jit.gl.lua for example benefits 
from the fact to mix opengl calls with jitter objects. is this possible 
with pdlua too (to instantiate gem objects from within the lua script?), 
I also have to figure out most basic stuff like how to bind textures... 

(())_n wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Marius and I got pdlua and luagl working on ppc and intel in OSX at  
> Polytech today.
> pdlua is included in the latest extended builds since 0.40.3 made by  
> hans-christoph steiner.
> Then you need some libraries from this site:
> http://www.algonet.se/~afb/lua/
> Specifically luaglut 0.5 which is downloadable here:
> http://www.algonet.se/~afb/lua/luaglut-0.5.sit
> Put the following files from the luaglut-0.5.sit in the following  
> location:
> Files:
> luagl
> luagl.bundle
> luagl.lua
> Put into:
> /sw/lib/lua/5.1/
> have fun!
> (())_n - http://eyescratch.tk
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