On Feb 11, 2008, at 9:43 AM, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

> Achim Bornhoeft wrote:
>> Is there a possibility to put a statement (relative pathname)  
>> inside a
>> patch where to look for additional abstractions, for example to  
>> search
>> for abstractions inside a subfolder "abs" which is in the same  
>> directory
>> than the patch itself.
> You can use relative paths inside the object boxes, like [abs/aaaa] or
> so.  I got tired of this quickly and keep all the patches for each
> project in a flat directory.
> I think recent Pd's have a system for adding paths in patches, but  
> I've
> never used that feature.  Also I don't know if [abs/aaaaa] would
> conflict with Pd-extended's namespace system, not using Pd-extended  
> myself.

Nope, no conflicts with Pd-extended, AFAIK.  Pd-extended's libdir  
format just takes advantage of that feature in Pd.


>> Thanks for help,
>> Achim
> Claude
> -- 
> http://claudiusmaximus.goto10.org
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