Martin Peach <martin.peach <at>> writes:
 > Martin Peach wrote:
 > >     can't read "box_outline": no such variable
 > >     can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable
 > >     can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable
 > >     can't read "msg_nlet": no such variable
 > >     can't read "text_color": no such variable
 > >     can't read "cursor_runmode_nothing": no such variable
 > >
 > >
 > I checked it on linux and it seems the only difference between the
 > windows and linux versions is that the variables that are set in
 > and referenced from pd via sys_vgui() aren't being found, so nothing
 > gets drawn on the canvas.
 > Martin

Ok, got a bit closer on this one, finally.  It seems that all of the  
code is the same up thru tcl_mess() in t_tkcmd.c.  Once the tcl data  
from sys_vgui() is sent to the tcl process and chopped up into  
distinct commands, tcl_mess() is used to send the command to the Tcl  
process ("tk_pdinterp" is the tcl process, "s" is the command):

     result = Tcl_Eval(tk_pdinterp,  s);

I tried to print out "s" here, but I couldn't get it to show up.  It  
seems that stderr is a bit strange on Windows.  My hunch is that  
something on Windows is eating the "$", and therefore causing this  

Anyone know a way to get this to show up on the Windows console:

     fprintf(stderr, "tcl_mess: %s\n", ms);



News is what people want to keep hidden and everything else is  
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