Thanks Hans, here attached is another copy of the edited Firmata with some
added comments to the code so things dont' get too mixed up. Whilst the
additions are specifically for the AD5206 digital potentiometer, it should
be possible to make a sort of generic SPI object in PD that you use when
needed and otherwise disable to free up the Arduino pins 10-13. which would
otherwise be a pain as Martin Peach so rightly points out.
So far as constructing PD messages are concerned I'd be really grateful for
any help you could give in that direction. The message needs to be a 2 byte
variety does it not ? just like a DMX blah to level blah.
But I suppose it is a bit more complicated than that to actually make it


From: Hans-Christoph Steiner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 March 2008 21:12  
To: nick burge
Cc: Pd List
Subject: Re: [PD] Pduino and the AD5206 digital potentiometer

Nice work!  I imagine that it must be possible to have the SPI-specific
messages sent via Firmata.  I don't have a clear picture of what all is
needed.  But if there are specific message types needed, then there is
plenty of room in the protocol to add SPI messages.  For example, we just
added Servo messages in an alpha version.


On Mar 5, 2008, at 1:08 PM, nick burge wrote:

With some trial and error I've managed to edit the firmata firmware to
control the chip as attached here. On Arduino you can only use digital pins
10,11,12 and 13 for  SPI... slave select, data out, data in and spiclock.
Since Firmata uses pin 13 to flash its version number there was a bit of
jostling to sort out, removing that command from the void setup section,
because otherwise it continues to print the version number constantly when
you go into the loop.
So now I have the AD5206 tutorial patch running within Firmata, which is
fun. It would be more fun and potentially creative however to have the
commands sent by that very difficult to do? Any clues anybody?


From: Hans-Christoph Steiner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 March 2008 16:50
To: nick burge
Cc: Pd List
Subject: Re: [PD] Pduino and the AD5206 digital potentiometer

I am unlikely to write software for that chip unless I have a use for it.
But a firmware supporting it sounds useful. Firmata is an Arduino library,
so the easiest route would probably make a dedicated firmware for that chip
then use the Firmata to handle the communications.


On Mar 5, 2008, at 4:43 AM, nick burge wrote:

I got my AD206 chip as a free sample from analog devices
It would be great to have support within Firmata for SPI - (serial
peripheral interface) allowing control over this digital potentiometer or
other devices and sensors that work with that protocol when connected to an
Could it possibly work to simply copy sections of the code from the arduino
tutorial into the firmata firmware , first the definitions, then the void
setup section and then the write_pot(0,0) command to control the device into
the loop section.? As you can tell I have little idea how to do this.


From: Hans-Christoph Steiner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 March 2008 14:39
To: nick burge
Cc: 'Pd List'
Subject: Re: [PD] Pduino and the AD5206 digital potentiometer

It would be possible to add support to Firmata for this, but it's not
currently there. I don't have any of these chips, any volunteers? Patches
welcome :D


On Feb 26, 2008, at 8:54 AM, nick burge wrote:

Dear PD list. I would like to be able to control the AD5206 chip (a 6
channel digital potentiometer) from within the Pduino object written by
Hans-Christoph Steiner. The idea comes from one of the tutorial exercises in
the C++ arduino program.
Is this relatively simple to do, or simply impossible? The aim in the long
run is to be able to be able to calibrate 6 force sensors remotely using the
digital potentiometers for an art installation project.
I have got the above mentioned tutorial project up and running succesfully
using the arduino program, and I am also able to get Pduino communicating
with the arduino quite happily on my Windows Vista system, but I would
imagine to have control over the the digital potentiometer device from
within PD would require a revision to the Firmata firmware would it not? I
would be most grateful for a clue.

thank you for your attention, sincerely, Nick Burge.
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All information should be free. - the hacker ethic


Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to realize
his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either change them, or
perish. -William Carlos Williams



'You people have such restrictive dress for women,' she said, hobbling away
in three inch heels and panty hose to finish out another pink-collar temp
pool day.  - "Hijab Scene #2", by Mohja Kahf

 * Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * -----------------------------------------------------------
 * Firmata, the general purpose sensorbox firmware for Arduino
 * -----------------------------------------------------------
 * Firmata turns the Arduino into a Plug-n-Play sensorbox, servo
 * controller, and/or PWM motor/lamp controller.
 * It was originally designed to work with the Pd object [arduino]
 * which is included in Pd-extended.  This firmware is intended to
 * work with any host computer software package.  It can easily be
 * used with other programs like Max/MSP, Processing, or whatever can
 * do serial communications.
 * @author: Hans-Christoph Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 *   help with initial protocol redesign: Jamie Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 *   much protocol discussion: the Arduino developers mailing list
 *   key bugfixes: Georg Holzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 *                 Gerda Strobl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * @date: 2006-05-19
 * @locations: STEIM, Amsterdam, Netherlands
 *             IDMI/Polytechnic University, Brookyn, NY, USA
 *             Electrolobby Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria

 * TODO: add pulseOut functionality for servos
 * TODO: add software PWM for servos, etc (servo.h or pulse.h)
 * TODO: add device type reporting (i.e. some firmwares will use the Firmata
 *       protocol, but will only support specific devices, like ultrasound 
 *       rangefinders or servos)
 * TODO: use Program Control to load stored profiles from EEPROM

/* cvs version: $Id: Pd_firmware.pde,v 1.29 2007/03/08 05:37:22 eighthave Exp $ 


/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This protocol uses the MIDI message format, but does not use the whole
 * protocol.  Most of the command mappings here will not be directly usable in
 * terms of MIDI controllers and synths.  It should co-exist with MIDI without
 * trouble and can be parsed by standard MIDI interpreters.  Just some of the
 * message data is used differently.
 * MIDI format:
 *                              MIDI       
 * type                command  channel    first byte            second byte 
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * analog I/O            0xE0   pin #      LSB(bits 0-6)         MSB(bits 7-13)
 * digital I/O           0x90   port base  LSB(bits 0-6)         MSB(bits 7-13)
 * report analog pin     0xC0   pin #      disable/enable(0/1)   - n/a -
 * report digital ports  0xD0   port base  disable/enable(0/1)   - n/a -
 * digital pin mode(I/O) 0xF4   - n/a -    pin # (0-63)          pin state(0=in)
 * firmware version      0xF9   - n/a -    minor version         major version
 * system reset          0xFF   - n/a -    - n/a -               - n/a -

/* proposed extensions using SysEx
 * type      SysEx start  command  data bytes                         SysEx stop
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * pulse I/O   0xF0        0xA0   five 7-bit chunks, LSB first             0xF7 
 * shiftOut    0xF0        0xF5   dataPin; clockPin; 7-bit LSB; 7-bit MSB  0xF7

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/* two byte digital data format
 * ----------------------------
 * 0  digital data, 0x90-0x9F, (MIDI NoteOn, but different data usage)
 * 1  digital pins 0-6 bitmask
 * 2  digital pins 7-13 bitmask 

/* analog 14-bit data format
 * -------------------------
 * 0  analog pin, 0xE0-0xEF, (MIDI Pitch Wheel)
 * 1  analog least significant 7 bits
 * 2  analog most significant 7 bits

/* version report format
 * Send a single byte 0xF9, Arduino will reply with:
 * -------------------------------------------------
 * 0  version report header (0xF9) (MIDI Undefined)
 * 1  minor version (0-127)
 * 2  major version (0-127)

/* pulseIn/Out (uses 32-bit value)
 * -------------------------------
 * 0  START_SYSEX (0xF0) (MIDI System Exclusive)
 * 1  pulseIn/Out (0xA0-0xAF)
 * 2  bits 0-6 (least significant byte)
 * 3  bits 7-13
 * 4  bits 14-20
 * 5  bits 21-27
 * 6  bits 28-34 (most significant byte)
 * 7  END_SYSEX (0xF7) (MIDI End of SysEx - EOX)

/* shiftIn/Out (uses 8-bit value)
 * ------------------------------
 * 0  START_SYSEX (0xF0)
 * 1  shiftOut (0xF5)
 * 2  dataPin (0-127)
 * 3  clockPin (0-127)
 * 4  bits 0-6 (least significant byte)
 * 5  bit 7 (most significant bit)
 * 6  END_SYSEX (0xF7)

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/* set digital pin mode
 * --------------------
 * 1  set digital pin mode (0xF4) (MIDI Undefined)
 * 2  pin number (0-127)
 * 3  state (INPUT/OUTPUT, 0/1)

/* toggle analogIn reporting by pin
 * --------------------------------
 * 0  toggle digitalIn reporting (0xC0-0xCF) (MIDI Program Change)
 * 1  disable(0)/enable(non-zero) 

/* toggle digitalIn reporting by port pairs
 * ----------------------------------------
 * 0  toggle digitalIn reporting (0xD0-0xDF) (MIDI Aftertouch)
 * 1  disable(0)/enable(non-zero) 

/* request version report
 * ----------------------
 * 0  request version report (0xF9) (MIDI Undefined)


/* Version numbers for the protocol.  The protocol is still changing, so these
 * version numbers are important.  This number can be queried so that host
 * software can test whether it will be compatible with the currently
 * installed firmware. */
#define FIRMATA_MAJOR_VERSION   1 // for non-compatible changes
#define FIRMATA_MINOR_VERSION   0 // for backwards compatible changes

/* total number of pins currently supported */  
#define TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS       6
#define TOTAL_DIGITAL_PINS      14

// for comparing along with INPUT and OUTPUT
#define PWM                     2

// for selecting digital inputs
#define PB  2  // digital input, pins 8-13
#define PC  3  // analog input port
#define PD  4  // digital input, pins 0-7

#define MAX_DATA_BYTES 2 // max number of data bytes in non-SysEx messages
/* message command bytes */
#define DIGITAL_MESSAGE         0x90 // send data for a digital pin
#define ANALOG_MESSAGE          0xE0 // send data for an analog pin (or PWM)
//#define PULSE_MESSAGE           0xA0 // proposed pulseIn/Out message (SysEx)
//#define SHIFTOUT_MESSAGE        0xB0 // proposed shiftOut message (SysEx)
#define REPORT_ANALOG_PIN       0xC0 // enable analog input by pin #
#define REPORT_DIGITAL_PORTS    0xD0 // enable digital input by port pair
#define START_SYSEX             0xF0 // start a MIDI SysEx message
#define SET_DIGITAL_PIN_MODE    0xF4 // set a digital pin to INPUT or OUTPUT 
#define END_SYSEX               0xF7 // end a MIDI SysEx message
#define REPORT_VERSION          0xF9 // report firmware version
#define SYSTEM_RESET            0xFF // reset from MIDI

// the following for using SPI control (pins 10-13 only)

#define DATAOUT 11//MOSI
#define DATAIN 12//MISO - not used, but part of builtin SPI
#define SPICLOCK  13//sck
#define SLAVESELECT 10//ss


/* input message handling */
byte waitForData = 0; // this flag says the next serial input will be data
byte executeMultiByteCommand = 0; // execute this after getting multi-byte data
byte multiByteChannel = 0; // channel data for multiByteCommands
byte storedInputData[MAX_DATA_BYTES] = {0,0}; // multi-byte data

byte pot=0; // specific to AD5206 digital potentiometer via SPI
byte resistance=0; // specific to AD5206 digital potentiometer via SPI

char spi_transfer(volatile char data)
  SPDR = data;                    // Start the transmission
  while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))     // Wait the end of the transmission
  return SPDR;                    // return the received byte

/* digital pins */
boolean digitalInputsEnabled = false; // output digital inputs or not
int digitalInputs;
int previousDigitalInputs; // previous output to test for change
int digitalPinStatus = 3; // bitwise array to store pin status, ignore RxTx pins
/* PWM/analog outputs */
int pwmStatus = 0; // bitwise array to store PWM status
/* analog inputs */
unsigned int analogPinsToReport = 0; // bitwise array to store pin reporting
int analogPin = 0; // counter for reading analog pins
int analogData; // storage variable for data from analogRead()
/* timer variables */
extern volatile unsigned long timer0_overflow_count; // timer0 from wiring.c
unsigned long nextExecuteTime; // for comparison with timer0_overflow_count

 * FUNCTIONS                                                                
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * output the version message to the serial port  */
void printVersion() {
  Serial.print(REPORT_VERSION, BYTE);

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * output digital bytes received from the serial port  */
void outputDigitalBytes(byte pin0_6, byte pin7_13) {
  int i;
  int mask;
  int twoBytesForPorts;
// this should be converted to use PORTs
  twoBytesForPorts = pin0_6 + (pin7_13 << 7);
  for(i=2; i<TOTAL_DIGITAL_PINS; ++i) { // ignore Rx,Tx pins (0 and 1)
    mask = 1 << i;
    if( (digitalPinStatus & mask) && !(pwmStatus & mask) ) {
      digitalWrite(i, twoBytesForPorts & mask ? HIGH : LOW);

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * check all the active digital inputs for change of state, then add any events
 * to the Serial output queue using Serial.print() */
void checkDigitalInputs(void) {
  if(digitalInputsEnabled) {
        previousDigitalInputs = digitalInputs;
        digitalInputs = PINB << 8;  // get pins 8-13
        digitalInputs += PIND;      // get pins 0-7
        digitalInputs = digitalInputs &~ digitalPinStatus; // ignore pins set 
        if(digitalInputs != previousDigitalInputs) {
          // TODO: implement more ports as channels for more than 16 digital 
          Serial.print(digitalInputs % 128, BYTE); // Tx pins 0-6
          Serial.print(digitalInputs >> 7, BYTE);  // Tx pins 7-13

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* sets the pin mode to the correct state and sets the relevant bits in the
 * two bit-arrays that track Digital I/O and PWM status
void setPinMode(byte pin, byte mode) {
  if(pin > 1) { // ignore RxTx pins (0,1)
        if(mode == INPUT) {
          digitalPinStatus = digitalPinStatus &~ (1 << pin);
          pwmStatus = pwmStatus &~ (1 << pin);
          digitalWrite(pin,LOW); // turn off pin before switching to INPUT
        else if(mode == OUTPUT) {
          digitalPinStatus = digitalPinStatus | (1 << pin);
          pwmStatus = pwmStatus &~ (1 << pin);
        else if( mode == PWM ) {
          digitalPinStatus = digitalPinStatus | (1 << pin);
          pwmStatus = pwmStatus | (1 << pin);
  // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* sets bits in a bit array (int) to toggle the reporting of the analogIns
void setAnalogPinReporting(byte pin, byte state) {
  if(state == 0) {
    analogPinsToReport = analogPinsToReport &~ (1 << pin);
  else { // everything but 0 enables reporting of that pin
    analogPinsToReport = analogPinsToReport | (1 << pin);
  // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * processInput() is called whenever a byte is available on the
 * Arduino's serial port.  This is where the commands are handled. */
void processInput(int inputData) {
  int command;
  // a few commands have byte(s) of data following the command
  if( (waitForData > 0) && (inputData < 128) ) {  
    storedInputData[waitForData] = inputData;
    if( (waitForData==0) && executeMultiByteCommand ) { // got the whole message
      switch(executeMultiByteCommand) {
      case ANALOG_MESSAGE:
                (storedInputData[0] << 7) + storedInputData[1] );
                outputDigitalBytes(storedInputData[1], storedInputData[0]); 
//(LSB, MSB)
                setPinMode(storedInputData[1], storedInputData[0]); // (pin#, 
                if(storedInputData[0] == INPUT) 
                  digitalInputsEnabled = true; // enable reporting of digital 
                // TODO: implement MIDI channel as port base for more than 16 
digital inputs
                if(storedInputData[0] == 0)
                  digitalInputsEnabled = false;
                  digitalInputsEnabled = true;
      executeMultiByteCommand = 0;
  } else {
    // remove channel info from command byte if less than 0xF0
    if(inputData < 0xF0) {
      command = inputData & 0xF0;
          multiByteChannel = inputData & 0x0F;
    } else {
      command = inputData;
          // commands in the 0xF* range don't use channel data
    switch (command) { // TODO: these needs to be switched to command
      waitForData = 2; // two data bytes needed
      executeMultiByteCommand = command;
      waitForData = 1; // two data bytes needed
      executeMultiByteCommand = command;
    case SYSTEM_RESET:
      // this doesn't do anything yet

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * this function checks to see if there is data waiting on the serial port 
 * then processes all of the stored data
void checkForSerialReceive() {

// =============================================================================
// used for flashing the pin for the version number
void pin13strobe(int count, int onInterval, int offInterval) {
  byte i;
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  for(i=0; i<count; i++) {

 * SETUP()
void setup() {
  byte i;
  byte clr;

  Serial.begin(57600); // 9600, 14400, 38400, 57600, 115200
  // flash the pin 13 with the protocol version
  pin13strobe(2,1,4); // separator, a quick burst
  pin13strobe(FIRMATA_MAJOR_VERSION, 200, 400);
  pin13strobe(2,1,4); // separator, a quick burst
  pin13strobe(FIRMATA_MINOR_VERSION, 200, 400);
  pin13strobe(2,1,4); // separator, a quick burst

// the following sets pin modes and other parameters for SPI communication

  pinMode(DATAIN, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(SLAVESELECT,HIGH); //disable device
  // SPCR = 01010000
  //interrupt disabled,spi enabled,msb 1st,master,clk low when idle,
  //sample on leading edge of clk,system clock/4 (fastest)
  SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR);
  for (i=0;i<6;i++)

  for(i=0; i<TOTAL_DIGITAL_PINS; ++i) {
    write_pot(i,255); // commands to bring AD5206 potentiometers to full 
resistance and setup for SPI communication

byte write_pot(int address, int value)
  //2 byte opcode
  digitalWrite(SLAVESELECT,HIGH); //release chip, signal end transfer


 * LOOP()
void loop() {
/* DIGITALREAD - as fast as possible, check for changes and output them to the
 * FTDI buffer using Serial.print()  */
  if(timer0_overflow_count > nextExecuteTime) {  
        nextExecuteTime = timer0_overflow_count + 19; // run this every 20ms
        /* SERIALREAD - uses a 128 byte circular buffer, so handle
         * all serialReads at once, i.e. empty the buffer */
        /* SEND FTDI WRITE BUFFER - make sure that the FTDI buffer doesn't go 
         * 60 bytes. use a timer to sending an event character every 4 ms to
         * trigger the buffer to dump. */
        /* ANALOGREAD - right after the event character, do all of the
         * analogReads().  These only need to be done every 4ms. */
        for(analogPin=0;analogPin<TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS;analogPin++) {
          if( analogPinsToReport & (1 << analogPin) ) {
                analogData = analogRead(analogPin);
                Serial.print(ANALOG_MESSAGE + analogPin, BYTE);
                // These two bytes converted back into the 10-bit value on host
                Serial.print(analogData % 128, BYTE);
                Serial.print(analogData >> 7, BYTE); 

     write_pot(pot,resistance); // test program for the potentiometers
     if (resistance==0)
     if (pot==6)

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