what does it do? how does it work? I get only error messages here (osx)
error: vbap: no method for 'float'

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> [vbap/vbap] works.
> .hc
> On Mar 6, 2008, at 7:18 PM, potax flan wrote:
>> any ideas on this?
>> been away from pd for some days, but still havent got it working
>> thankyou!
>> On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 4:55 PM, potax flan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ok i'm starting to feel dumb
>> i tried with [import vbap] + [import iemmatrix]
>> and [declare -sdtpath extra/iemmatrix] + [declare -sdtpath extra/vbap]
>> the result is still the same.
>> even thou i guess import/declare should work the same as adding vbap 
>> and iemmatrix to the startup flags, how do i do that? there is no 
>> space left :)
>> sorry if this is very obvious
>> p
>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Roman Haefeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 10:05 +0100, Georg Holzmann wrote:
>> > Hallo!
>> >
>> > > i imported both libraries (see log below) but still no luck
>> > > define speakers and mtx_*~ are still m.i.a.
>> > > ideas?
>> >
>> > because you probably imported the libs after the other objects.
>> > Try to load the libraries at pd startup (e.g. in your pd settings or
>> > with a startup flag).
>> since you are using pd-extended version 0.40.x you could alternatively
>> use [declare -sdtpath extra/iemmatrix] and [declare -sdtpath
>> extra/vbap]. [declare] makes sure to add pathes / load libraries at
>> patch start before any other object is instantiated. if you want to
>> stick with [import], cut and paste your whole patch except the [import]
>> objects and save it. on next patchload [import] should be instantiated
>> before other objects. while we are at it, i would like to note, that
>> [declare] is part of pd itself and will work on any installation of pd.
>> personally and for portability reasons, i think it is in any case
>> preferable to let a patch load its dependencies itself (a.k.a using
>> [import] or [declare]) instead of adding the pathes to the global search
>> pathes (a.k.a pd settings / startup flags). this will make your patch
>> work on any system independently from the configuration of the current
>> system. and it makes it easier for other users to guess what libraries
>> are missing.
>> roman
>> > >
>> > >  define_loudspeakers 3 -45 0 45 0 0 45 180 45
>> > > ... couldn't create
>> > >  define_loudspeakers 2 -45 45 135 -135
>> > > ... couldn't create
>> > >  mtx 8 3
>> > > ... couldn't create
>> > >  mtx_*~ 8 3 20
>> > > ... couldn't create
>> > >  rvbap 0 0
>> > > ... couldn't create
>> > >  rvbap 0 0
>> > > ... couldn't create
>> > >  rvbap 0 0
>> > > ... couldn't create
>> > > libdir_loader: added iemmatrix to the canvas-local path
>> > > [import] loaded library: iemmatrix
>> > > vbap: already loaded
>> > > [import] loaded library: vbap
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