[osc~] seems to use a 512-float table with linear interpolation, so it 
could be made better by increasing the size and/or resolution of the 
table and/or using a better interpolation algorithm.


Roman Haefeli wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-03-09 at 21:05 +0100, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
>> Pd could have better oscillators even with 32bit, by using better 
>> interpolation/extrapolation algorithms.
> yo.. would be interesting to hear (for non-dsp experts as me), _what_
> could be improved, respectively _what_ is _not_ optimal in pd. could you
> (or someone else) elaborate that a bit? are you saying, that [osc~] is
> not generating a clean sine wave? what would you expect from a [phasor~]
> differently from what it currently does? what kind of algorithms are you
> talking about? what are they supposed to improve? 
> roman
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