# Hi, sorry for jumping into the conversation. I am doing my
statistical physics homework and can not read whole mails just skim
read them and saw terms like "uniform distribution" and "gaussian
distribution". I thought it could be worth to mention the "central
limit theorem" which says that the cumulative effect of every kind of
distribution will become a gaussian distribution:

-ugur guney-

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 11:13 PM, Andy Farnell
>  Wow, that's a gorgeous demonstraton Martin!
>  Everything becomes clear as time -> infinity :)
>  And somehow our little Earthling brains are able to
>  spot this signature distribution as we listen to rainfall.
>  Now I'm getting how uniform fall leads to
>  a Gaussian bell around the mean for an area over time.
>  Thanks.
>  Chuck, I'm sorry I couldn't follow all of your derivation
>  of Box Muller, but thanks for the analysis. I think we agree
>  it's a neat trick for an efficient source of WGN.
>  thanks all,
>  Andy
>  On Sun, 16 Mar 2008 16:54:29 -0400
> Martin Peach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Here's a histogram generator (binner) that shows the distribution of
>  > [gaussianoise]. Using it I can quickly see that [gaussianoise2] is too
>  > peaked around zero and that [gaussianoise3] chops the tails off when the
>  > scale is low.
>  > If you have uniformly distributed raindrops falling, any given area will
>  > receive a number of raindrops that clusters about the mean in a normal
>  > distribution, just as if you first bin the number of occurrences of each
>  > value of white noise, then bin the resulting counts, the histogram of
>  > the counts will look like a bell curve centered at the mean count.
>  >
>  > Martin
>  >
>  > Andy Farnell wrote:
>  > >
>  > > GEM is broken here, but thanks for the info Marius.
>  > > I'm reading through the docs for R at the moment.
>  > > It makes lovely plots, but haven't figured how to get
>  > > my data in to it yet...
>  > >
>  > > JFYI the application is rainfall. Many papers I read describe
>  > > rainfall as Gaussian.
>  > >
>  > > I know from physical analysis that raindrops are uniform in size
>  > > and velocity for any local sample, so I've realised this distribution
>  > > is about how they fall within an area and pondering how a
>  > > distribution can be Gaussian in 2D.
>  > >
>  > > Thing is, I can't figure out any good reason why rain should
>  > > by anything other than uniformly distributed ! :(
>  > >
>  > > When I use Martins second patch with a thresholding function
>  > > to trigger droplet sounds, it does sound a lot more like
>  > > real rainfall than a uniformly triggered model.
>  > >
>  > > I'm in one of those grey areas where I half understand what I'm
>  > > doing, which is a dangerous place to be.
>  > >
>  > > Anybody know of cool papers I might have missed on the
>  > > distribution of rain drops and the effect on their sound?
>  > >
>  > > Thanks,
>  > >
>  > > Andy
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  > > On Sun, 16 Mar 2008 15:43:34 -0400
>  > > marius schebella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > >
>  > >> from the first equation that andy posted, I produced a gem
>  > >> representation. the box muller noise seems wrong, because it does not
>  > >> use the whole range but is shifted to the negative side.
>  > >> note, this is not a distribution of frequencies, but of noise values..
>  > >> marius.
>  > >>
>  > >> Martin Peach wrote:
>  > >>> Oh no that's wrong isn't it :(
>  > >>> The log is necessary to keep the distribution normal, and the range is
>  > >>> going to get wider the closer to zero the radius is allowed to get.
>  > >>> The attached patch has a scale adjustment...
>  > >>> Still I wonder what kind of distribution gaussianoise2 gives, it's not
>  > >>> just white.
>  > >>>
>  > >>> Martin
>  > >>>
>  > >>>
>  > >>> Martin Peach wrote:
>  > >>>> Charles Henry wrote:
>  > >>>>> On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Martin Peach
>  > >>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > >>>>>>  (gaussianoise has occasional values that exceed [-1 ... 1], which I
>  > >>>>>>  suppose is normal...white noise is always on [-1...1])
>  > >>>>> That's true.  With the Box-Muller method, there is the log(~U1) term,
>  > >>>>> but you can always just add a small value to U1, which will truncate
>  > >>>>> your distribution.  The size of the small value can be calculated to
>  > >>>>> fit with any given threshold.
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>> I think it's really because the Box-Muller method selects random
>  > >>>> numbers  in pairs which map to points in a unit square on the plane,
>  > >>>> but then selects only those points which are inside the unit circle,
>  > >>>> something that the pd patch doesn't do (how to resample points in a
>  > >>>> dsp vector until they are in range?). The attached patch shows the
>  > >>>> straightforward way of doing it by simply selecting a random radius
>  > >>>> and angle and returning the resulting y coordinate as the random
>  > >>>> number. The results are always on [-1,1].
>  > >>>> I don't think sin~ will be any slower than log~.
>  > >>>>
>  > >>>> Martin
>  > >>>>
>  > >>>>
>  > >>>> 
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