Frank Barknecht hat gesagt: // Frank Barknecht wrote:

> Hallo,
> Jack hat gesagt: // Jack wrote:
> > Le 20 mars 08 à 15:43, Frank Barknecht a écrit :
> > >I don't know of an external which adds PHP support inside of Pd. If
> > >you are talking about which programming language to choose outside of
> > >Pd: I'd choose whatever you feel most comfortable with. Of course one
> > >could debate which language is the "better" language, Lua or PHP, but
> > >I think, this would be very off-topic here.
> > Of course, I selected that with which I am more at ease. :)
> > In fact, i just want to know if Lua is as at ease as PHP with  
> > Internet, string operation and MySQL.
> > Lua is well implemented in PD, so i think it's not very off-topic here !
> Yeah, I meant the more general discussion if Lua altogether is
> "better" than PHP would be off-topic. Until PHP is available in Pd,
> the choice between Lua and PHP inside of Pd is easy. 

Oh, and if you're only interested in speed: The Language Shootout
shows Lua as generally being roughly twice as fast and memory friendly
than PHP in most cases: http://tinyurl.com/ypgvnf

Lua is 13 times slower than C++, PHP is 23 times slower. (Tcl there is
44 times slower ...)

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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