> Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping you'll help me clarify a few things.
> 1. " this is how i start pd" - does this mean selecting Startup from
> the File menu and typing "-nosleep -rt -audiobuf 64 -jack" in the
> Startup Flags field? Do I do this after the flags that are already
> there?

yes, using the pg gui (file - startup, apply, save) or editing 
defaults.pdsettings (in /usr/local/lib/pd) or .pdsettings in your home 
folder. this is on linux, i don't know how windows works.

> 2. "play with priority in Linux" - I have no idea how to play with
> anything in Linux. I search the English pd-list for limits.conf, and
> found 1 thread, which did not seem to have the information I need. Can
> you please tell me what specifically I need to do with limits.conf?
> (And where is it located?)

oups, my bad - it's located in /etc/security/limits.conf add thoses lines:
@audio - nice -10
@audio - rtprio 99
@audio - memlock unlimited

then yu should add yourself to the audio group. restart your computer.

> 3. I'm trying to use qjackctl. I enter Setup, and choose freebob as
> the driver. But I'm not sure how my firewire card is designated
> (plughw:0?). Or if it's even recognized by the OS.

this is a little bit more complicated. i suggest you look on google for post 
on this subject (for your audio card). you can use gscanbus to see if you 
soundcard if detected. but yes, basically in setup you checked Realtime, 
choose Freebob, interface default, frames / period (start with a big latency 
= 1024).

> Again, thanks for the reply. Linux is a little over my head, and I
> desperately want this to work!

good luck, from time to time i am on #dataflow (irc.freenode.net).

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