Hey Lluis,

Good to hear that you're working on these objects, they are very  
valuable contributions that with a little more polish will really  
round out Pd's capabilities.

As for updating this, I think pdp_colorgrid is currently part of  
Yves' pidip code directories.  It's up to you whether you want to  
update it there, or start your own library/directory for your PDP and  
Gem objects.  Perhaps it could be the "pdvj" library?


On Mar 30, 2008, at 4:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> hi,
> pix_preview is just an experimental object in alpha stage ...  
> actually only tryed on linux and it's really buggy, only works with  
> very simple patches otherwise will crash pd.
> i thing it has to do with overflow on the socket between the tk and  
> gem processes .... anybody can help on figure out this ??
> for the pdp_colorgrid bug there is a new version with the pdvjtools  
> which solves this problem, actually is only compiled for linux but  
> it can be easyly compiled for macos ... Hans, how can i do to  
> update this object on the extended version ?
> cheers,
> ll.
> S'està citant marius schebella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Thanks,
>> there is cool stuff in pdvjtools, do you know if pix_preview is  
>> working
>> on os x?
>> marius.
>> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>> That's because currently the background image is a file with a
>>> hard-coded path.  So it'll only work if the app is called
>>> Pd-extended.app, which the release candidates will be.
>>> .hc
>>> On Mar 29, 2008, at 12:18 PM, marius schebella wrote:
>>>> hi (yves),
>>>> I tried to look at pdp_colorgrid, but I only get a white  
>>>> background.
>>>> I tested this with pd-0.40.3 (extended) and mac os x
>>>> pdp version 0.12.5-darcs and pidip version 0.12.21.
>>>> anybody else having the same problems?
>>>> marius
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