Hi Mike,

my experience with Google, Babelfish, Alta Vista and others are that 
they are useful in a pinch, but they're no replacement for human 
translation. Especially with technical terms and such, but in general 
the differences between grammar and such between languages. Lots of 
proofreading, with the original in hand, would be required... almost as 
much work as a real translation, I imagine...

Actually some of the other FLOSS Manuals are getting translated into 
Hindi even as we speak, and there's been a call for Farsi translators as 
well. I think Adam Hyde (director of FLOSS Manuals project) may also be 
looking at Dutch translators soon (he lives in NL, which has supported 
the development of FLOSS Manuals so far through various subsidies). But 
human translators usually cost some money, so it's all about where the 
resources can be found to pay them, or where volunteers can be found. 
But now we get really OT, talking about money ;-)

Thanks for the interest and I'll let everyone know when the project 
opens up for more input.

Mike McGonagle wrote:
> While I would think that it would be useful to have tutorials written in 
> other languages, why not use some translation tools to make them? And 
> then we can get someone to proof read them in whatever language they are 
> being translated into, that way these tutorials will all offer the same 
> information, rather than limiting them to only those that speak that 
> language.
> Does Google have some policy about storing and publishing any 
> translations they make? I am not a lawyer, but there is nothing on their 
> translation page as to what you can do with the translated content, and 
> ( http://www.google.com/accounts/TOS?loc=US ) I am not positive if this 
> is the applicable legalese...
> 11.1 You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in 
> Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services. 
> By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a 
> perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive 
> licence to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly 
> perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you submit, 
> post or display on or through, the Services. This licence is for the 
> sole purpose of enabling Google to display, distribute and promote the 
> Services and may be revoked for certain Services as defined in the 
> Additional Terms of those Services.
> So, it sounds like you can do whatever you want with it, as long as 
> Google gets to use it as well.
> Of Course, that being said, I only speak english, and have rudimentary 
> skills in a couple other languages, so I could only offer to proof read 
> a translation to ensure it makes sense, not that it translated correctly.
> I will say from what start you have on this Floss stuff is quite nice. 
> If this sounds like a good idea, I would be more than happy to help out 
> with these things.
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Derek Holzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     It will be twice as nice by the end of the week, we hope! ;-) Then I'll
>     publish a call to contribute new tutorials. Or maybe you can team up
>     with "Screaming" Frank Barknecht to do a German version...
>     Hope you're interested!
>     best,
>     d.
>     marius schebella wrote:
>      > Derek Holzer wrote:
>      >
>      >> http://flossmanuals.net/puredata
>      >
>      > wow! that is quite impressive!
>      > marius.
>      >

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista
---Oblique Strategy # 185:
"Which parts can be grouped?"

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