Le 11 avr. 08 à 12:09, IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :

> Raphaël ILIAS wrote:
>> hi list !
>> i'm working on live-captured video treatment with gem. the main  
>> patch is
>> okay, but in order to get a convenient improvisation tool, i would  
>> like
>> to have a "control monitor" with another content that what's  
>> dsiplayed
>> on the main gemwin (which is shown to the audience)...
>> captured frames are stored in a pix_buffer (360x288px on 1 channel -
>> grey) and i thought to send them to another computer with its own  
>> gemwin
>> in which they might be displayed (for the performer)...
>> i tried with on one side, [pix_dump] and [netsend] and, on the other
>> computer, [netreceive] and [pix_set]...
>> it was very slow, and crashed... so, i reduced the picture to  
>> 45x36 px
>> and split the pix-list into packets of 100 floats. i finally got a
>> picture, but lines aren't synchronized (i get "diagonals"), and i  
>> don't
>> understand why...
>> does someone see an easier solution to pass pixes through a local
>> network ? i don't care a lot about latency (hem...less than 10  
>> seconds
>> of course) and resolution...
> on osx and linux you can use [pix_share_read] and [pix_share_write] to
> share images between two instances of Pd/Gem on one(!) computer via
> shared-memory. this should be very fast.
About [pix_share_read] and [pix_share_write]. Is there a method using  
this two objects to share a picture that come from a  
[gemframebuffer] ? I think is not possible. Am I wrong ?


> afair, there are some freeframe-plugins that allow you to send images
> from one host to another (via network), but i don't know on which
> platform they are available (i guess: w32) and whether they are  
> free; i
> never tried them, but they should be usable with [pix_freeframe].
> depending on what you are doing, it might be easiest to just run 2
> (synched) instances of Gem that independently produce the 2 visuals  
> (and
> are controlled by a single patch)
> or use a multi-monitor setup and do clever things to get 2 virtual
> monitors in a single gemwindow.
> or pay the developers a lot of money to finally get the multi-window
> support into Gem which i have been promising for more than 3 years :-)
> fgamdsr
> IOhannes
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