On Sun, 2008-04-13 at 18:20 +0200, Jack wrote:
> An other thing : with pd-extended 0.40.3 20080406 and  [pdp_yqt], i  
> get an error with the same video (.mov jpeg codec) :
> pdp_yqt: opening /Users/rybn12/Desktop/PD9.5/normalJPEG.mov
> pdp_yqt: unsupported video codec

same problem here on OS X (10.4.?) with pd-extended-0.39.3 and 0.40.3
(2008-02-22) intel-builds.

i tried several videos, that can be played back by quicktime, but not by
[pdp_qt] nor [pdp_yqt]. i tried mjpeg coded and other codecs. i also
tried anim-1.mov from the Gem examples. none of the could be played. all
of them could be played by [pix_film], though.


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