Birgit Gasteiger wrote:
> As I tried to open the path... pd terminated with the following error 
> message:
> *** stack smashing detected ***: pd terminated
> Pd: signal 6
> pd_gui: pd process exited

another solution is to restructure your filesystem a bit.

create a extra/Gem/ folder in your Pd-extended (if it's not already 
there); iirc, Pd-extended installs itself into /usr/local/lib/pd, so 
your path should be /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/Gem

move(!) the Gem.pd_linux from extra/ to extra/Gem/
copy all the help-patches from doc/5.reference/Gem/ into extra/Gem/

that's it!

start Pd, load Gem (if not done automatically), create 
[pix_kaleidoscope], right click and enjoy!


PS: btw, hans, what is the reason for Pd-extended to install all 
help-files into 5.reference/<dir> instead of besides the libraries? i 
guess it is just for legacy reasons, but i might be wrong

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