It's wonderful. The style is nice and the
layout and ordering has really improved since you
first started.

Do you think the URL is likely to remain stable
enough to be a ref in a textbook?


Can you renew my twiki login please?

Wasn't I once in the credits but you factored out
the synth tutorial? (fair enough because it
wasn't beginner level)

What about incorporating a chapter on Pd idioms
and Fx once it's converted from LaTeX to HTML?


n Tue, 06 May 2008 21:54:48 +0200
Derek Holzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Pure Dataheads,
> following the PD FLOSS Booksprint in Croatia last month, the 0.1 version
> of the Pure Data FLOSS Manual is now online!
> The Pure Data FLOSS Manual is conceived as a beginner's approach to Pure
> Data which, unlike most of the existing documentation, doesn't assume that
> the user has a degree in mathematics or computer science before they get
> started! Currently, information on installing and configuring PD, the
> interface, dataflow tutorials and audio tutorials are included. The
> FLOSS Manuals philosophy is that chapters from the different available
> FLOSS Manuals can be "remixed" to create new manuals (for course readers
> & curriculums, classroom manuals, etc etc). Everything is published
> under the GNU General Public License.
> Adam Hyde, Luka Prin__i__ and myself busted some serious ass to get this
> up, and now we're ready to take on our toughest customers: YOU.
> We'd really appreciate it if members of this list could read through the
> chapters, keeping the following points in mind:
> 1) Is the text clear and consistent?
> 2) If technical jargon is used, is it defined inline or included in the
> Glossary in the back?
> 3) Are the tutorials complete, or are some steps or information missing?
> 4) Grammar/spelling, of course
> 5) Could each chapter exist as a self-standing tutorial outside the
> context of the PD Manual (i.e. could it be "remixed" with chapters from
> other FLOSS Manuals without losing anything)?
> Those not so familiar with Pure Data are encouraged to go through the
> different tutorials and give feedback as to whether they need more (or
> less!) information, and whether different parts are redundant or need to
> be split off from the chapters they are in. Experienced PD users are
> also welcome, of course!
> Also, we are still seeking help getting graphics and screenshots for
> several sections. And there is a HUGE to-do list if you want to get more
> seriously involved in the project!
> Thanks and best wishes!
> Derek
> # Pure Data
> # Introduction
> ---cover image, important!
> # WhatIsGraphicalProgramming
> ----icons/graphics to go with concepts in text
> ----icons of modular synth with patch cables or similar analog "patching"
> ----flowchart of inputs and outputs between PD and audio, MIDI, network,
> video, Arduino/motors, etc
> ----chart describing relationship of PD to Externals
> # WhatIsDigitalAudio
> ----icons/graphics to go with concepts in text
> ----icon of speaker cone movement
> ----icon of microphone to voltage to soundcard
> ----icon of soundcard to voltage to speaker movement
> ----icon of clipping audio
> ----icon/graph illustrating Nyquist foldover
> # Installing
> # Linux (source)
> # Windows
> # InstallingOSX
> ---Updated Extended installation instruction
> ---Screenshots of installation
> # ConfiguringPD
> ---Screenshots of config menus from all three operating systems
> (slightly different locations on OSX, Windows, Linux)
> ---Better introduction to Path, Startup and how to configure Externals
> with Extended
> # TroubleShooting
> ---"I don't hear any sound!" Screenshot "compute audio" button + audio
> settings in PD, Maybe also audio control panels from different OSes?
> ---"The test tone sounds distorted!" Add screencap of testtone.pd patch
> ---"I'm not seeing any audio input!"audio settings in PD, with inputs
> and outputs highlighted
> ---"I don't see any MIDI input!" Screencaps: audio/midi prefernces with
> midi highlighted, OSX: Audio MIDI, Linux: QJackctl, Windows:
> MIDI Ox/MIDI Yoke Junction
> ---"I get the message "... couldn't create" when I open a patch and
> there's a dashed line around my object!" Screencap: patch with uncreated
> objects (missing path/external problem)
> # Getting Started
> # StartingPD
> ---"Starting PD with the Clickable Icon": OSX, Linux screencaps
> # TheInterface
> ---Screenshots of different menus from all three OSes
> # AudioTutorials
> ---"Introduction": block diagram of synthesizer architecture, as
> desribed in text
> ---Formatting: messages like "bang" inside quotes (no Caps, as I have
> done with "Bang" in some places and need to change...)
> # AudioStreaming
> # DataflowTutorials
> ---give titles to screenshots so that readers can tell which patches
> match which images (some do this, some don't...)
> ---"Math": examples/discussion of [expr]???
> ---"Order of connecting and [trigger]": explain the patches in-line,
> rather than only in comments in screenshots (so that text is searchable,
> copy/pasteable..)
> ---Screencaps are very aliased, to the point where you can't read
> the ~ in the object names. Should they be redone at new resolution or
> with antialiasing?
> # Appendices
> # PureGlossary
> ---format of object names = [italics in square brackets], must be
> formatted correctly
> ---format of glossary words in general text: we don't have one yet. Bold
> on first use in chapter maybe? Needs formatting all through text.
> # ListofObjects
> ---incomplete, please add more libs
> ---maybe more discussion of externals needed as well
> ---formatting of object names?
> # PureLinks
> ---always welcome
> # Credits
> * Configuring "Path" and "Startup" + adding Externals VERY IMPORTANT!
> * MIDI tutorial (keyboards, sliders, etc, input + output to/from devices
> or other programs)
> * HID sensor tutorial
> * Patching strategies (advanced usage and examples of GoP, Abstractions
> mostly)
> * Audiofile manipulation (tables + Extended objects)
> * Realtime effects tutorial (delays, filters, etc)
> * GEM VJ tutorial (pix_film, pix_movie)
> * Networked data (OSC, netsend/netreceive)
> -- 
> derek holzer ::: :::
> ---Oblique Strategy # 36:
> "Consult other sources
> -promising
> -unpromising"
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Use the source

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