On Tue, 2008-05-06 at 17:18 +0100, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
> Matt Barber wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Thanks for this.  Out of curiosity, what's the main difference between
> > [loadbang] and [initbang] for use in abstractions (does [initbang] not
> > send a bang when you open the abstraction file for editing but only
> > when you load it in another file)?
> [loadbang] fires after the abstraction is loaded and connected into the 
> containing patch, so [loadbang]--[outlet] should work.
> [initbang] fires after the abstraction is loaded but before connections 
> are made in the containing patch, so you can create i/o-lets and have 
> them still be connected.
> > Also, the [namecanvas] helpfile says it is obsolete -- is it likely to
> > disappear?
> It's only "obsolete" because it's possible to crash pd if you use it 
> incorrectly.  I think it'll stay if enough people use it :)

if this would be a sufficient reason for obsoleteness, some other
classes would reach 'obsolete' state as well for sure: [until],
[makefilename] (probably more).


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