Hola ! from Madrid,
Thanx for all, opencv works now on my macosx, powerbookG4.
I use the Pd version 0.39.3-extended with the gem included.


Le 6 mai 08 à 13:21, Jack a écrit :

> Hello IOhannes,  Lluis and PD users,
> Le 6 mai 08 à 08:09, IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
>> Jack wrote:
>>> Hola Lluis,
>>> now i got this error and i really don't know what it is :)
>>> error: [pix_opencv_haarcascade]: cannot handle this format  
>>> (1234567) !
>>> What does it mean ? Do you know where is the problem ?
>> it can mean 2 things.
>> it _should_ mean, that you send an image in a certain colorspace  
>> to the object, which does not know how to deal with this  
>> colorspace. (e.g. a YUV image to an RGBA effect; and nobody has  
>> coded yet the YUV-part)
>> however, i believe here it is something different.
>> if your _really_ get "1234567" as the format, then something else  
>> is wrong. usually, you should get the openGL colorspace ID here,  
>> e.g. "6408" for RGBA).
>> there is no openGL-colorspace "12345678", so this number has to  
>> come from somewhere else. it turns out that it is used as a magic  
>> number in the GemList.
>> you should never ever see it.
>> most likely you are trying to compile pix_opencv against a  
>> different version of Gem you are using.
> Ah ! OK, i tried to compile opencv with GEM 0.90 and i use GEM 0.91.
> Thanx, i will tell you if it's ok.
> ++
> Jack
>> always make sure to use the same version of Gem for compiling and  
>> running, if you don't want to experience any crashes.
>> (especially when using the CVS of Gem, where it might not be  
>> obvious that things have changed)
>> i guess i should introduce a kind of ABI check for 3rd party Gem- 
>> externals.
>> but not before the next release.
>> fmadr
>> IOhannes

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