Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:

> i made a patch, that uses several instances of an abstraction based on
> the partconv~ external in order to do binaural spatialization of sounds
> using a set of hrtf tables.  the hrtf files are all loaded on loadbang
> into tables, so that they can be accessed quickly. it is part of the
> patch, that a 'set <tablename>' message to all [partconv~]s is sent
> quite often, which leads to dropouts on the box, where the installation
> is meant to run (for some reason not on my personal laptop). i also
> noticed a difference in performance between an old version of partconv~
> (0.1) and the current svn version, whereas the latter is more likely to
> cause dropout at high 'set' message rates. 

I had a quick look at the partconv~ source code and found that
everytime a "set" message is sent, partconv~ does quite a bit of
memory allocation to configure itself for the new convolution core.
This may be a reason for the dropouts if you "set" the objects with a
high rate, as memory allocation is not very realtime friendly. You
could try to avoid some of the "set"s by creating more partconv~
objects that statically refer to their tables. Of course that's a bit
tricky with 1400 tables ...

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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