You could probably hack some tcl code and send it to [sys_gui] and  
have that send the .printout text to a [receive].

It would be a good project for getting to know the internals of Pd's  
GUI.  .printout is the console part of the Pd window. .printout.text  
is the text widget that displays the text.  Here's the Tcl/Tk docs on  
the text widget:

pdtk_post is the procedure that actually posts text to  
the .printout.text.  You could probably redefine pdtk_post to instead  
send the data to a receive, something like this:

pdtk_post {stuff} {

Hmm, I guess you can't send that to [sys_gui] since Pd can't do  
{ and }.  Another way would be to add "pd [concat pd error $stuff]"  
to pdtk_post and then add a little bit of C code to get the data from  
messages send to:

[route pd]
[route error]


On May 20, 2008, at 3:28 PM, marius schebella wrote:

> would it be possible with the current pd version to write an  
> additional
> object like the max [error] that outputs all error messages on an  
> outlet
> when turned on (message 1)?
> or does this also need the hook you were talking about.
> marius.
> IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
>> João Pais wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Does this interest anyone? Does anyone want to have a go at it?  
>>> Afaik
>>> there's no object that can do this.
>> there have been numerous attempts and solutions to this problem.
>> including using netsend to pipe the stderr back into Pd, adding  
>> hooks to
>> register new post()-backends (which could be the message-output of an
>> object),...
>> the latter requires a patched Pd-version (the patch exists in the
>> patchtracker, afaik) but miller never fully accepted it into the main
>> source-tree (though part of it: the embedded pd-console is part of  
>> it;
>> and the ability to choose between stderr and pd-console)
>> the former does not require such, but is less efficient (but then: it
>> also grabs errors that are not "post"ed but thrown e.g. by ioctl's)
>> just search the list archives for "capture console output" :-)
>> mfgasdr
>> IOhannes
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