Le 21 mai 08 à 15:02, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :

> On May 21, 2008, at 2:46 AM, marius schebella wrote:
>> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>> Of course, when I post this, the Mac/Intel build didn't happen...
>>> arg...
>> i tested the pdp_qt and pdp_yqt (with a self compiled pdx version).
>> I could load some files, but not all. pdp_yqt does not output sound.
>> but with one file pd crashed my whole system. the computer just
>> became very slow and did not respond anymore, I had to hard reset
>> it. (twice, because I wanted to be sure, that was really happening).
> I think pdp_yqt is pretty buggy.  Use pdp_qt or pdp_qt~ for sound  
> maybe.

Here some results with [pdp_qt~] and different sound codec. Only PCM  
linéaire and IMA 4:1 seem to work (but i get this error : pdp_qt:  
error decoding audio). The movie codec is JPEG (.mov).

With AAC :
pdp_qt: opening /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpegaac.mov
pdp_qt: video stream found (320x240 pixels, 43 fps, 427 frames, jpeg  
pdp_qt: audio stream found (1 channels, 16000 Hz, 290816 samples,  
chunksize 373)
pdp_qt: using colormodel YUV420P
pdp_qt: /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpegaac.mov opened
i get a crash of my system and need to hard reset it with [pdp_qt~].

With AMR à bande étroite :
pdp_qt: opening /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpegamr.mov
pdp_qt: video stream found (320x240 pixels, 43 fps, 427 frames, jpeg  
pdp_qt: audio stream found (1 channels, 8000 Hz, 142400 samples,  
chunksize 186)
pdp_qt: WARNING: unsupported audio codec
pdp_qt: using colormodel YUV420P
pdp_qt: /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpegamr.mov opened
This sound codec is unsupported, so no sound with [pdp_qt~].

With Apple Lossless :
pdp_qt: opening /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpegaploss.mov
pdp_qt: video stream found (320x240 pixels, 43 fps, 427 frames, jpeg  
pdp_qt: audio stream found (1 channels, 44100 Hz, 786432 samples,  
chunksize 1029)
pdp_qt: WARNING: unsupported audio codec
pdp_qt: using colormodel YUV420P
pdp_qt: /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpegaploss.mov opened
This sound codec is unsupported, so no sound with [pdp_qt~].

With PCM linéaire :
pdp_qt: opening /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpegpcm.mov
pdp_qt: video stream found (320x240 pixels, 43 fps, 427 frames, jpeg  
pdp_qt: audio stream found (1 channels, 44100 Hz, 784539 samples,  
chunksize 1029)
pdp_qt: using colormodel YUV420P
pdp_qt: /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpegpcm.mov opened
All works fine (video and sound) but i get this error (strange ?) :
pdp_qt: error decoding audio

With Qualcomm :
pdp_qt: opening /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpegqualcomm.mov
pdp_qt: video stream found (320x240 pixels, 43 fps, 427 frames, jpeg  
pdp_qt: audio stream found (1 channels, 8000 Hz, 142400 samples,  
chunksize 186)
pdp_qt: WARNING: unsupported audio codec
pdp_qt: using colormodel YUV420P
pdp_qt: /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpegqualcomm.mov opened
This sound codec is unsupported, so no sound with [pdp_qt~].

With IMA 4:1 :
pdp_qt: opening /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpeg.mov
pdp_qt: video stream found (320x240 pixels, 43 fps, 427 frames, jpeg  
pdp_qt: audio stream found (1 channels, 44100 Hz, 784576 samples,  
chunksize 1029)
pdp_qt: using colormodel YUV420P
pdp_qt: /Users/rybn12/Desktop/VOSTF/RomeOKjpeg.mov opened
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work :)
And when it works (video and sound),i get this error (strange ?) :
pdp_qt: error decoding audio



>> also, pdp_qt only works if I started X11 before.
> There is a bug report about this, please add to it any details of
> your setup.  PDP always starts X11 for me.
> .hc
>> marius.
>>> .hc
>>> On May 19, 2008, at 6:57 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>>> Hey,
>>>> I think I fixed the problem on Mac OS X where [pdp_qt] couldn't
>>>> load any codecs, please try it and let me know either way.
>>>> .hc
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>> -
>>>> -- ------
>>>> Terrorism is not an enemy.  It cannot be defeated.  It's a
>>>> tactic.   It's about as sensible to say we declare war on night
>>>> attacks and  expect we're going to win that war.  We're not going
>>>> to win the war  on terrorism.        - retired U.S. Army general,
>>>> William Odom
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> -
>>> --- ----
>>> I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have
>>> three  meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for
>>> their minds,  and dignity, equality and freedom for their
>>> spirits.      - Martin  Luther King, Jr.
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> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --
> ----
> If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of
> exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an
> idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps
> it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into
> the possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot dispossess
> himself of it.            - Thomas Jefferson
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