On Jun 20, 2008, at 1:55 PM, Luke Iannini wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 4:02 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Does this work at all on 10.4/Tiger?
> Yes, it's configured by default to work with both 10.4 and 10.5.

Any idea whether it would cause problems on 10.3?  That's not a make- 
or-break thing, but it would be nice if it could still work on 10.3.   
As for including the Info.plist changes in v0-40, it would need to be  
throughly tested before including it.  Currently, there are only a  
couple outstanding bugs that need to be fixed for this release  
(AFAIK), so I am really hesitant to include something totally new.

>> As for building it, how do you build it yourself?  That's usually a
>> good starting point for adding it to the auto-build.  If it is an
>> xcode project, you can use the command line tool xcodebuild.
> Yo,
> I just built in with the build button : ).  I like buttons...
> So yea, I have the project.  Looks like it builds aok with xcodebuild,
> thanks for the tip.  Where should I put the project folder?

Good question. The first place I thought of is packages/darwin_app  
since it is only for things related to the Pd.app for Mac OS X.  Maybe:


Then it probalby makes sense to make a separate 'spotlight_importer:'  
target in packages/darwin_app/Makefile to build and install it.


>> Also, it seems that .pat should have a separate entry, something like
>> this:
>>                <dict>
>>                        <key>UTTypeConformsTo</key>
>>                        <string>public.plain-text</string>
>>                        <key>UTTypeIdentifier</key>
>>                        <string>org.puredata.max-patch</string>
>>                        <key>UTTypeTagSpecification</key>
>>                        <dict>
>>                                <key>public.filename-extension</key>
>>                                <array>
>>                                        <string>pat</string>
>>                                </array>
>>                        </dict>
>>                </dict>
> Sure, makes sense.  I'll do that
>> .hc
>> On Jun 19, 2008, at 2:10 PM, Luke Iannini wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Here's a Spotlight importer for Pd (and AFAIK .pat) files.
>>> Starting with tonight or tomorrow's autobuild, installing it (just
>>> double-click it) will let Spotlight look inside your Pd patches.
>>> Also, a beneficial side-effect of a necessary change to Pd- 
>>> extended's
>>> bundle means that Pd-patches are now Quick Look-enabled (don't get
>>> /too/ excited, it is only the plaintext representation, but still
>>> extremely handy).  And after the importer itself gets enveloped by
>>> Pd-extended's bundle, it will just work (no installation needed).
>>> This version just indexes the entire text.  In the future I could  
>>> add
>>> specific metadata keys to correspond to "Pure Data Objects", "Pure
>>> Data Messages", "Pure Data Comments", and "Pure Data [declares]",
>>> which could then be used to construct complex Spotlight queries  
>>> (but I
>>> just learned enough Obj-C to get this far tonight so give me a  
>>> while :
>>> ) ).
>>> Hans, apparently placing it in
>>> Pd-extended.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight will make it magically
>>> start working the first time Pd is dragged out of its .dmg.  I don't
>>> have a clue about building this dynamically in the autobuilds, but
>>> since it is a Universal Binary and OS X only is it cool to add
>>> statically?
>>> enjoy
>>> Luke
>>> (by the way, you'll know you have the right Pd-extended when running
>>> "mdls -name kMDItemContentType a-patch.pd" gives
>>> "org.puredata.pd-patch" rather than "dyn.ah62d4rv4ge81a3a" or
>>> similar)
>>> <PureData.mdimporter.zip>___________________________________________ 
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>> All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies,
>> one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better
>> language; and every chapter must be so translated.... -John Donne
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