On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 13:48 -0400, patrick wrote:
> hi,
> i don't use pd-extended, but i think it's almost the same. the only 
> option missing is: -nosleep (useful for dual-core).
> so be sure in qjackctl - setup:
> Realtime
> Periods/Buffer: 2
> Sample Rate: 44100 (or more)
> Frames/Period: 256 (i am running at 64 without glitches)
> then for pd:
> pd -rt -jack -r 44100 -nosleep -audiobuf 256 -channels 16 -alsamidi 
> -mididev 1 etc...

from my experience, there is no point in specifying the samplerate,
since pd automatically uses the one used by jackd: you cannot force pd
to use a different sr. i wonder, if the same goes for -audiobuf


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