Nice installation!  I like the immersive aspect of the projections.


On Jul 10, 2008, at 1:04 AM, John Harrison wrote:

> This semester I taught a course where Engineers and Artists worked
> together to create interactive art. For the final project we took over
> an art gallery and built a virtual environment using 12 computers, 12
> speakers, 12 projectors and several Arduinos. We built and networked
> everything in Pd/GEM. Unfortunately the video doesn't capture much of
> the very cool sounds of the environment, but at least you will see the
> networked sparklers running in GEM.
> I hope you enjoy:
> I am so grateful for Pd as a resource for me, my classes and my
> community. I send this hoping that perhaps a developer or 2 will  
> find it
> gratifying to see some of the work that we are able to accomplish with
> this amazing tool.
> -John
> -- 
> John Harrison
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'You people have such restrictive dress for women,’ she said,  
hobbling away in three inch heels and panty hose to finish out  
another pink-collar temp pool day.  - “Hijab Scene #2", by Mohja Kahf

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