On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 07:17:48PM +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Nicolas Montgermont hat gesagt: // Nicolas Montgermont wrote:
> > Has anybody developped a way to check the existence of a word in a given 
> > dictionnary?
> > As a basis, I was looking at the aspell command line spell checking tool 
> > : http://aspell.net/
> > This is well suited, but it will need to use the shell object and I'm 
> > working under OSX, so I'm not sure of it's long term stability.
> > Aspell can be used as a lib also, so i was wondering if anyone has ever 
> > developped an external based on it?
> > Or has anyone some other ideas to do that?
> You could use Lua instead. It's like [shell] on steroids, if you
> employ something like "io.popen" like this:
>  word = get_word_from_inlet()
>  cmd = "aspell -c " .. word
>  p = assert(io.popen(cmd))
>  result = p:read("*all")
> Lua is trivial to build on OS-X. I just did it and I'm a complete OS-X
> idiot. Here's how: You check out pdlua from goto10 subversion, edit
> Makefile.static to let it find m_pd.h and build for OS-X ("PLATFORM =
> macosx"), then do "make -f Makefile.static" while connected to the net
> to let make download and build Lua for you and that's it. OS-X seems
> to come with everything needed.

Hi Frank,

Did you have to install the XCode developer kit (or whatever it's
called) to do this? Or is there a built in compiler? What version of OSX
is it?

Thx for the help, sorry for the OT!



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