On Sep 19, 2008, at 1:25 AM, Spencer Russell wrote:

I've got an arduino with 5 capacitive distance sensors plugged into the analog ins. I just flashed the newest firmata-standard, and now things aren't working as expected.

First question, did you use the version of Firmata included in Arduino 0012? That is now the real release version.

the first thing I do is connect to /dev/ttyUSB0, which works fine. Then I send the messages

[analogIns 0 1(

this enables analog input 0.

[analogIns 1, 1(

Careful, the comma changes the meaning. This disables analog input 1 (i.e. [analogIns 1 0() then sends a [1 ( alone.



to the arduino object. The funny thing is that any given input only seems to turn on about 1 in 4 times I send the message. Once it's on PD receives the data like a champ. I tried adding delay between connecting via serial and turning on the inputs, but it didn't seem to help even when adding a 2 second delay after the connection, and 500ms delay between turning on each input.


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