Hi again Philippe,

OK, I see from a previous message that you have OSX. Of course, this 
doesn't mean you can't Google there also ;-)

But, in short, here:


I see the following:

> Some large bittorrent files will be composed of hundreds of smaller .rar 
> files. If the total number of files in a torrent is over 256, OS X bittorrent 
> applications will fail with the "too many open files" error. This is because 
> by default, OS X applications have a maximum limit of 256 open files. To get 
> around this, in a terminal type:
> ulimit -n 2000
> Use 2000 or some other suitably large number. Then launch your bittorrent 
> application from the same terminal window by cd'ing into the package, etc. 
> Note that this will not work unless your application is launched from the 
> same terminal.
> There is probably a way to insert the ulimit statement into a logon script so 
> that the effect is systemwide, but as of yet I haven't figured it out.

So is it possible that you opening more than 256 patches at once? 
Anyways, using ulimit when you open PD from the command line is only a 
workaround. If this bug is new for PD 0.43 I'd suggest downgrading to a 
more stable version (heck, I still only trust 0.39!!!!) and filing a bug 
report on the bleeding-edge one.


philippe boisnard wrote:

> I try to load a file pure data (0.43), which is created with the  
> precedent version of PD-extended (0.39), and I have a big problem.
> PD doesn't load all subpatchs, and when I want to call subpatch, I  
> have this message on console : "too many open file".

Derek Holzer

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