David F. Place wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 15:29 +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
>> yes, all subpatches share the same signal-properties with regard to
>> the 
>> super-patch (unless further overriden of course).
> So, I added [block~ 4096 1 16] to my next to top level abstraction and
> now I get the following errors:
> error: throw~ voiceSumLeft: vector size mismatch
> error: sigcatch voiceSumRight: unexpected vector size
> All my abstractions are within the scope of one block~, shouldn't they
> have the same vector size?  

you are right.

the warning is misleading though: Pd simply refuses to [throw~]/[catch~] 
or [s~]/[r~] with anything other than the standard 64-sample, 
no-overlap, no-resampling signal.


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