ydego...@gmail.com hat gesagt: // ydego...@gmail.com wrote:

> someone here in the workshop ask for the bitcrusher vst plugin for pd ?
> is it available in some way?
> ( better with basic pd objects )

According to:
it's very simple. 

For the actual bitcrushing, you can use something like this:

 [*~ BD]
 | \
 |  [wrap~]
 |  |
 [/~ BD]

Replace BD with your desired bit depth. This doesn't do rounding, but
truncates signales to [int] after multiplication, but the net result
is similar.

For the distortion use [tabread4~] with some precalculated tables.
Some weeks ago I added a Vanilla tanh.pd in the svn repo in purepd/,
that uses [exp] and the trig-identity for tanh. There also is sinh and
cosh, if you want them, or make your own after refreshing the needed
math on pages like this: 

Or just use [expr].

The downsampling can be realized by sending the signal through a
[samphold~] that is triggered by a variable rate [phasor~]. 

The abstractions library for RjDj (for which we can use Pd
builtins only and also no expr) includes the downsampling as
[e_alias] and the tanh-distortion as [e_softclip], see:

All this sounds pretty nasty! ;)

 Frank Barknecht            Do You RjDj.me?          _ ______footils.org__

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