Hi everyone. I need to draw arrays with different levels of complexity and
precision rapidly in PD mainly for control purposes. I imagine something
like Adobe Illustrator's vector functions with capabilities of exporting the
result as an array of numbers which could be easily imported in PD. It's too
much, isn't it? Any ideas?

For the moment I'm working with a sort of "polynomial interpolating
algorithm". It works, but it's not good for smooth curves and the text based
input is neither rapid to create the array nor to modify some part of it.

Since it would be quite useful for me, I am willing to make by myself if it
doesn't exists (and to share it if someone is interested, of course), but
I'll need advices of what programming language fits best for that. Keep in
mind that I work under OS X 10.5.5. Any clue?

Thank you

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