it sounds really nice!
please keep inform
i might be able to help you with osc/python/pd if you need

you could also add speech synthesis... (mbrola works pretty nicely)

some remarks below

patrick a écrit :
> hi all,
> last night, i did a bridge between sphinx3 and pd. sphinx3 is an open 
> source speech recognition software.
> have a look at the demo
> http://www.vimeo.com/2814913
> i am looking for help for optimizing or even better making an external 
> for it.
> 1) working on linux only for now.
> 2) using shell to call a python script (py/ext is crashing when import 
> _sphinx3)
or make a python script which calls pd...
> 3) communication between the python script and pd via open sound control 
> (mrpeach) - i like this solution, cause i can use the same script to 
> have speech recognition in blender or other osc compatible software
> 4) using shell again to call sox (for converting the soundfile to raw). 
> is it possible to write a raw soundfile in pd (1 channel, signed, 16000 
> (samplerate))?
is it absolutely necessary for sphinx to use raw file format?
> 5) dynamic patching with send pd-$0.sphinx (obj 20 20 $voicerecognition) 
> - would like to be able to connect objects together, need to learn more 
> about dynamic patching
> 6) it's possible to make a custom dictionary, for now i will create one 
> for basic stuff (http://wiki.puredata.info/en/Category:vanilla)
> 7) tested with two big accents : french (me) and japanese (my girlfriend)
did you manage to recognize french words (with a french accent ;-) ?


> pat
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