hello Alberto,

in the svn repository for pd externals you'll find this lib

it's a bit tricky to compile (see a previous discussion on this list
with IOhannes)
cd externals/iem/dmx512
wget ftp://ftp.cubic.org/pub/llg/dmx4linux-2.6.1.tar.gz
tar xzf dmx4linux-2.6.1.tar.gz
cp dmx4linux2.6.1.patch dmx4linux-2.6.1
cd dmx4linux-2.6.1
patch -p1 < dmx4linux2.6.1.patch
and the usual
sudo make install

then compiling the extension
cd externals/iem/dmx512/src

*you might also want to try*
if you know a bit of python it will be easier
it worked pretty fine for me on debian/ubuntu systems

good luck,

Alberto Santos Bellido a écrit :
> Hello team.
> I've been searching for a way of controlling openDMXpro usb interface
> from pd-extended.
> All I've found that seems to be active is dmxusbpro (
> http://www.nullmedium.de/dev/dmxusbpro/ )
> Has anybody used this successfully on pd-extended on linux (ubuntu 8.10).
> Thanks for any feedback
> albesan
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