
Sebastien Lelong wrote:

So far so good, I've been able to build all the OSC part, and even plot things in a array in pd~, but I can only find a way to plot data from left to right, and when array's end is reached, clear it and start from beginning again. In other words, I can't make it scroll...

I made something very similar but whithout scrolling originally. I added something to make it scroll, view the attached patch. there's a settable refreshrate (redraws the array every n values) so it doesn't consume too much CPU just for redrawing.

I'm not sure if that third part of the patch should be optimized like the first one - does copying and rewriting from a 'visible' array refresh the array on each write? Perhaps someone knows...


Attachment: ppd_scroll.pd
Description: application/puredata

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