I did a similar thing with UNIX time in the past, I think I separated  
the number into something like "days" and "seconds".


On Feb 24, 2009, at 3:28 PM, Florian Hollerweger wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm picking up a thread here from November last year: As IOhannes has
> pointed out at
> http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-list/2008-11/065883.html
> the Pd editor truncates long numbers to 6 digits (which of course has
> nothing to do with Pd's floating point resolution).
> IOhannes has also noted that behind the GUI, the "correct" numbers  
> (i.e.
> the ones that were initially typed) are still being used, leading to
> interesting situations like two [route 1e+06] boxes with different  
> behavior.
> However, when the patch is closed and re-opened, the _truncated_ (i.e.
> "incorrect") numbers are applied. While this complies with Pd's "the
> picture is the patch" philosophy, it obviously can lead to problematic
> situations.
> A workaround was suggested by Nick Mariette:
> http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-list/2008-11/065890.html
> I was wondering whether anybody else would share their strategies with
> regards to this problem?
> I am guessing that another workaround would be to totally bypass the
> editor and run Pd without the GUI? (Which doesn't seem to make the
> development process very convenient, though.)
> Any other ideas?
> Thanks,
> flo.H
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