On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 16:00:32 +0000
Geoff <geoffspured...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> So I can actually build filters from smaller building blocks in PD,

Yes, and it's great fun and very educational

> I thought that this can be done in PD as a test exercise but not if I  
> want to create something that will actually work fast enough to be  
> usable as a synthesizer. I'm glad to have been wrong!

Well, sorry if this is misleading. We are on the borderline of 
right and wrong. This is where we hit Pd limitations at the lower
level of granularity. yes you can build any filter, but not 
as efficient as hand coding and compiling. 

This is the disparity between the wonders of Pd as a development
tool and the reality of using its output.

> > Develop in Pd. For a vast majority of DSP development Pd with
> > variable blocksize is a perfect tool if you could only work in
> > dataflow THEN: hit "compile"
> >
> Are there any tutorials on this any where?

Only in my dreams I'm afraid. :)

It's what I wish for. Right now the choice is

1) Flext - wipes your ass a bit, but still requires some
arcane C++ knowledge - advantage builds for Max and Pd

2) Faust - generates fast but opaque code, very flexible
platform targets, weird DSP algebra notation

3) Hand craft in C - most flexible, tedious setup of
supporting structure.

4) Andy's IDE (imaginary development environment) - pros:
perfect, cons: does not exist in reality.


Use the source

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