Frank Barknecht hat gesagt: // Frank Barknecht wrote:

> - inversion: That's a bit more complicated. Quoting Wikipedia:
>   Inverted melodies
>   When applied to melodies, the inversion of a given melody is the
>   melody turned upside-down. For instance, if the original melody has a
>   rising major third (see interval), the inverted melody has a falling
>   major third (or perhaps more likely, in tonal music, a falling minor
>   third, or even some other falling interval). Similarly, in twelve-tone
>   technique, the inversion of the tone row is the so-called prime series
>   turned upside-down.
>   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inversion_(music)#Inverted_melodies
>   In inversion.pd this is realised by walking through the list with
>   list-map, taking the difference between the current element and the
>   previous element, then substracting this from the current element.
>   The first element in a list is treated specially as it has no
>   previous element (it's just copied).

Ah, sorry: The patch is correct, but my explanation is wrong. Here's an update: 

  In inversion.pd this is realised by walking through the list with list-map. 
  interval to use next is calculated by taking the difference between the 
  element and the previous element. This interval is substracted (not added,
  because we are "retro"-grading) from the previous note, the resulting note is
  stored for the next step and inserted into the result list. The first element
  in a list is treated specially as it has no previous element: it's just copied
  and used as the starting note.


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