I have to agree with Frank on this one. Luckily, unless we are completely pedantic engineer types, we can all be correct! ;-)

Frank Barknecht wrote:

While the oscillators in s_osc.pd all go from -1 to 1, I don't really see why a
triangle wave should not go from 0-1 as well. This may even be useful in
certain applications. All it takes to convert it is a multiply-add. And isn't
differentiating between ring modulation and amplitude modulation according to
where the DC is old school analog thinking? ;) In Pd I prefer to think just
about multiplications of one signal with another one.

::: derek holzer ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista ::: http://www.vimeo.com/macumbista :::
---Oblique Strategy # 202:
"Back up a few steps.
What else could you have done?"

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