David F. Place wrote:

I have been using Pd quite happily under linux.  Suddenly it will not
start at all.  This is the error message I get:

what do you mean by "all of a sudden"?
after a Pd-upgrade? after a system-upgrade? after a hardware upgrade? after playing around with some configurations?

[da...@congo pd]$ pd
pd: interval_inline.h:52: snd_interval_single: Assertion 
`!snd_interval_empty(i)' failed.
Pd: signal 6
[da...@congo pd]$ pd_gui: pd process exited

gives me as first hit a hint that it might be related to alsa.
since the first hit i get is very old (2003), it might be a generic problem.
the hint given there is to check your samplerate (whether your soundcard actually supports the requested samplerate)


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