> currently I'm using jackd version 0.116.1, before that I was using 
> 0.109.2-3ubuntu1 (current intrepid version?), which already had this 
> "issue".
> I also noticed that different timeout settings made noticeable changes 
> to this issue but it didn't solve the problem entirely,  (btw. I already 
> was using 9000ms, and this watchdog is not jack-related but built into 
> pd / gui as far as i know.)
> when trying different things concerning realtime permissions I also 
> noticed that priorities for "audio" group in /etc/security/limits to 
> something below 10 (don't know exactly anymore) also had an influence 
> (because pd had no more rt permissions then).
> now everything's fine when jack is started with sufficient priority, no 
> matter which other settings I use with jack (except dropouts with too 
> low latency or doing graphics stuff with gem in the same instance of pd).
> Martin

Strange but I have no dropouts when running those patchs on my laptop
with both alsa and firewire jack backends.
So I give a try on 2 others hardware and no matter what I do dropouts
are always here ...

I think your case was different since I have no crash like " zombified -
calling shutdown handler " but "only" watchdog: signaling pd... and
And troubles arises only when the -rt patch is started with -nogui.

Very simple patch like just [osc~] and [dac~] doesnt' trigger the


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