I also found this:


Which seems much more useful for the task at hand. But not being much pf a C programmer, it could take me some time converting it into a Pd patch. I'll report back...


Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
Derek Holzer wrote:
Hey gang,

before I go reinventing somebody else's wheel... has anybody written something that takes a (sound) frequency in Hz or MIDI note and outputs the transposed color in RGB values? Along these lines:

F#44 = 737 nm(Infrared)
G 44 = 696 nm(Red)
G#44 = 657 nm(Red)
A 44 = 620 nm(Red-Orange)
A#44 = 585 nm(Yellow)
B 44 = 552 nm(Green)
C 45 = 521 nm(Green)
C#45 = 492 nm(Green-Blue)
D 45 = 464 nm(Blue)
D#45 = 438 nm(Violet)
E 45 = 414 nm(Violet)
F 45 = 390 nm(Ultraviolet)

Or even something that takes the light wavelength in nanometers and gives separate RGB values? I'm working on a simple color organ for a friend this week.


Have fun..

::: derek holzer ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista ::: http://www.vimeo.com/macumbista :::
---Oblique Strategy # 29:
"Change nothing and continue with immaculate consistency"

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