[atoi] did the job, thank you.


2009/4/16 Frank Barknecht <f...@footils.org>

> Hallo,
> Ricardo Due?as Parada hat gesagt: // Ricardo Due?as Parada wrote:
> > I am working with osc, and i have to send messages to pd, I am using
> > OSCroute to route messages.
> >
> > Next is happening to me: where i should be receiving the variable, i get
> > this on the pd console:
> > error: gatom: no method for '1'
> >
> >  The message is something like    /route/1
> >
> > I guess that the number is being mapped as a symbol and not a number, how
> > can I convert it?
> Probably that's the reason. You can convert number-symbols to integers with
> [atoi] from Zexy, or alternatively rewrite your OSC receiver setup to
> something
> like "/route/one" or put the number into the data part of the OSC message
> i.e. "/route 1"
> Ciao
> --
> Frank
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