Its also in the latest test release:


On May 15, 2009, at 3:14 AM, Peter Hanley wrote:

that's great thanks, but having trouble finding the patch. i have pd extended version 40.3 and can't find the [get-audio-dialog] patch.

On 14 May 2009, at 16:57, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

I created an object to make it easy to store these settings in your patch. Its included in the latest Pd-extended test release, or I posted it on this list a while back. Its called [get-audio-dialog].


On May 14, 2009, at 9:15 AM, peter hanley wrote:


I am building a interactive music interface with pd. on mac 10.5.3
firstly was wondering if anyone knew how to save port audio settings in pd? i'm going through firewire 410 to an m-audio driver to have 4speakers and have to input these setting everytime it opens.
Anyway to have it automatically?

and next problem is pd keeps quitting randomly when programme is running. does the same on different computers with newly downloaded versions of pd. must be my patch but have reduced it to basic and it still happens. using tuio.pd with reactivision and some simple tones and drum effects. any help would be appreciated.

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