Hector Centeno said:

> OK, I got the font size fixed! If I change the foreach (at line 3944)
> in pd.tk from:
>    foreach i {8 9 10 12 14 16 18 24 30 36} {
> to:
>    foreach i {4 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 24} {
> The text stays withing the object boxes. Exactly what is happening
> here I don't know. I have to analyze further to find out what's going
> on.


Hector's fix (or something similar) works for me as well for text
boxes -- although the pixel-perfect mapping for me on Fedora 10 seems
to be at about .75:

8   ->  6
10 ->  8
12 ->  9
16 -> 12
24 -> 18
36 -> 28

So the question is -- it's easy enough to edit u_main.tk to check if
it is using 8.5 and then use the new mapping if so, but is it better
to implement the mapping in s_main.c, where the t_fontinfo struct
already provides fi_hostfontsize?

In this case it would be easy to make both files check for 8.5 and
handle things that way.
I can post diffs for either solution.

All the gui object fonts are too large as well.  I wonder if these
problems are popping up on other tcl/tk apps on these distros -- it
would be more satisfying to get to the bottom of the underlying
problem than to hack the font mapping.



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