
I got it working by doing a ctrl-x and ctrl-z with the sub-patch that
contains the loudspeaker definition object.



On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 10:29 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig <> wrote:
> Hector Centeno wrote:
>> IOhannes,
>> Thanks again. But then why if I open the example VBAP patches there is
>> no error message event though there is no "ls_setup" file in the
>> directory?
> the short answer:
>  because you are doing something wrong (and everything on the system
> actually works as it is supposed to)
> the long answer:
> i really don't know. i never used vbap.
> however, i now had a short look:
> there is no mention of "ls_setup" anywhere in the sources.
> i don't get an error if i instantiate either the help-patches (apart
> from [matrix~] being no longer part of zexy but rather of iemmatrix and
> renamed to [mtx_*~] (or [mtx_mul~] if you have problems with libraries))
> you must be generating the error somewhere else.
> try to isolate the object that complains and let us know what you have
> found.
> (hans might well be right with his assumption that you were failing to
> instantiate an object ("ls_setup" could be the setup-function of an
> object [ls]); the way you described the problem does not give any hints
> in this direction).
> fgamsrd
> IOhannes

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