Uh, yeah. I should have said "open source/linux-based." I actually checked Renoise before I posted, as I though that might be the one that did have jack transport. Of course, jack is only available on the linux version.


Si Mills wrote:
Funny you should say - here's an example of Jack transport being incorporated into a closed source product (Linux only?!)


On 23 May 2009, at 15:32, Mike Moser-Booth wrote:

(sorry Luigi, forgot to include the list)
Luigi wrote:
Hi Joao

As i understand -

there is nothing you can do with rewire, that cannot be done with jack, right ?

Please correct me if i'am wrong
ReWire has transport syncing and is widely supported by most commercial
software. I know there's jack-transport, but I don't know of anything
that's not an open source linux-based app that uses it. Also, on OSX
ReWire is more reliable than IAC for sending MIDI.

The major downside to ReWire, though, is that audio can only go one way:
from slave to master. This has pissed me off more than once. It'd be
nice if jack-transport support could spread beyond open source software,
as it would likely make open source software more accessible.



Am 23.Mai.09 um 23.Mai.09 MESZ 13:25 schrieb João Pais:

Hi, anyone interested in adding rewire support for pd? So far I read the protocoll is free, though proprietary. (but I don't know much about it)

João Pais

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