I didn't send any authoral work also and have time to enjoy this
freestyle meeting, except july 22 and 23.
see you all there.

2009/6/16 glerm soares <organi...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I don't know "how" exactly it will work, but I am shure that it works and
> that's the spirit. "My" project for PDCon2009 was not made to be "mine" so I
> am introducing the process here to the community. Since the beginning my
> idea was to make some kind of "hackerspace", "openspace" or "bricolab" ,
> whatever the name, inside the Convention. A place for artisans work and
> share tools and concepts as in your own neighbourhood with your long time
> mates...
> AFAIK the producers of the event here could get some space for we make some
> kind of "deconference" to find some convergence in spontaneous ideas and
> similar interests discovered with factual presence, at the Monday 20t july,
> all day.
> Maybe if enough people show interest in this situation around here we could
> schedule more time and space for that for the rest of the week... All the
> schedule and space that the event would give to me I will donate to this
> project... I will have no authoral, performatic or scientific project for
> this conference besides to stimulate local community meeting global
> community... So I hope it can helps the situation and an organic flow of
> collaborations...
> I have some ideas about how it could happen, but would i would like to hear
> from you first...
> thanx
> best regards,
> glerm

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