Hello Phil,
See the patch attached


Le mercredi 02 septembre 2009 à 22:09 -0700, Phil Stone a écrit :
> Hi again,
> I'm happily creating subpatches and filling them with dynamic subpatches 
> (thanks again, Jonathan), but now I'm stuck on something more subtle. 
> I'm doing something like this:
> [b]
> |
> [symbol G]
> |
> [; pd-exp-$1 msg 20 235 /analysis/level/$1; (   
> to dynamically add a [/analysis/level/G (  message box to subpatch 
> 'exp-G'.  However, what I really want that message box to say is:
> [/analysis/level/G $1(
> so I can do something useful with that message.  How do I get '$1' into 
> that message box, dynamically?
> Phil
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#N canvas 332 97 839 300 10;
#N canvas 65 337 450 300 monsouspatch 0;
#X restore 23 29 pd monsouspatch;
#X obj 23 102 s pd-monsouspatch;
#X obj 412 23 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
#X msg 23 76 obj 0 0 pd monsoussouspatchG;
#X obj 412 96 symbol G;
#X obj 487 97 makefilename %c1;
#X obj 412 122 pack s s;
#X msg 487 73 36;
#X msg 412 153 \; pd-monsoussouspatch\$1 msg 20 235 /analisis/level/\$1
#X obj 412 46 t b b;
#X text 211 74 <- 1;
#X text 437 23 <- 2;
#X connect 2 0 9 0;
#X connect 3 0 1 0;
#X connect 4 0 6 0;
#X connect 5 0 6 1;
#X connect 6 0 8 0;
#X connect 7 0 5 0;
#X connect 9 0 4 0;
#X connect 9 1 7 0;
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